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Easily source the best applicants for your job across +500 skills

KOBEYO automates sourcing, qualifying, and connecting applicants who meet your job's requirements. Available throughout Southern Los Angeles County.

Wolf Person

How KOBEYO works


Create an applicant search with your job requirements and turn it on.


Only job seekers that pass your requirements - like skills, schedule & wage - are shown your job and can apply.


Switch applicant searches for others as needed throughout the month with no limits on applicant searches or applicants.

KOBEYO's value can beat any job board or recruiter in price, time spent recruiting, and quality applicants

Southern Los Angeles County

Subscriptions. Billed monthly.



Run 1 applicant search at a time.

Switch it for any other job post when needed



Run up to 2 applicant searches at a time.

Switch any of them for other job posts when needed



Run up to 4 applicant searches at a time.

Switch any of them for other job posts when needed

Included in all subscriptions

  • Unlimited applicants for every job post
  • All applicants are pre-filtered according to your requirements
  • All applicants are sourced from KOBEYO's exclusive network, not other job boards
  • Integrate with any ATS or recruiting platform without training or coding
  • Invite your team for no additional charge


Need more applicant searches? Schedule a call so we can provide a quote.

Take 5 minutes to try KOBEYO now,
pay if you like it

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KOBEYO© 2017-2025